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Thank you to everyone who has supported us throughout this last year. We could not have run STARYL without our amazing speakers who shared their amazing work with us, our audience who came, listened, and learned, and our funders who enabled us to pay our speakers. As most members of STARYL graduate this year, the colloquium is intended to be our final event, representing the culmination of our efforts to enact institutional change.


We have two phenomenal keynote speakers and a panel of inspirational figures in the field who will share their thoughts on ‘Archives as Sites of Radical Resistance’. Additionally, we will have two fun and relaxing opportunities to network with like-minded scholars and to form connections across disciplines, institutions, and industries. Finally, we will be launching our own archive that holds a record of our experiences of this intervention. Messy, raw, and real, this archive documents our successes and our failures, and our greatest hope is that it will help future students who want to create sites of joyful resistance.


Registration for the colloquium is free, as always, but is taking place through Eventbrite this time.




Archives as Sites of Radical Resistance (14-18 June 2021)

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